Monday, January 21, 2008

I just wanna be THIN!

Fuck my bingeing habits

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


It's another typical Tuesday (can't believe its only the 2nd day of the week!) and I'm comfortably stationed in front of my PC with my facial mask on, HEROES video streaming (taking its own sweet time) and savouring my craze of the moment; Japanese Cheesecake!

Now now, do let me emphasise that I'm not just another sweeth-tooth who loves cheesecakes. Cheesecake generally, be it Oreo Cheesecakes, Blueberry Cheesecakes, and whatever flavour there is. Never been a fan of cheesecakes myself due to horrifying experiences when the cheesecakes tasty like solidified soured cheese.

BUT the one that's slowly melting inside my mouth is different! Its Japanese Cheesecake from Ichiban Sushi and tastes so so so heavenly that I decided to buy the whole cake home after sharing a slice with him. What's half a slice man, definitely not enough for my bottomless pit.

I do really need to reward myself after a mental war at work today. Arggh! Can't stand office politics, waggling tongues and selfish minds. Of course, I'm always the loser when it comes to these areas. Shall just treat myself to a teeny weeny slice of cheesecake for now. So much for my detox resolution. =( At this rate, my tummy is gonna surpass the current inflation rate and beat Japan soon. Come on, Grace, buck up!

Today's Reflection:
Reddish inflammed skin
New pimples on my T-zone
Disgustingly limp hair
Unhealthy diet (1 coconut kueh, 1 Hakka Niang Tou Fu, Home-cooked dinner, 1 slice of cheesecake & 1 extra bowl of soup, 1 Peach Red tea, 1 Lipton tea)

Gawd! How to detox like that?!?! And as I'm typing this out, my mind keeps drifting to the remaining 3/4 cheesecake in my fridge...


Sunday, January 13, 2008


Yea! and I'm finally back with peeksures! Been pretty busy in my attempts to adjust back to Singapore's fast-paced life ever since I went to peaceful serene Bintan and slogging my guts out at work. Past few weeks have been quite stressful as my daily transactions aren't meeting our pre-set quotas, not to mention being irritatingly reminded of it daily. Grr..

Caught Alien VS Predator II!

Upon my dar's insistence to catch this film, i finally relented and dar went to purchase the tix early at Golden Village. I'm not a fan of such shows where there's freaky monsters/aliens and disgusting gooey, corrosive greenish substance bursting out every now and then. However, decided to give it a chance since AVP was quite good. But you know how the sequels always turn out worse than the first.

And well, what can I say about AVP II? There was no plot, and of the entire 86-minute show, 50 minutes were filmed in semi-darkness with occasional laser flashes and torch-beams. If you're like me who always cannot differentiate the various monsters, this is worse, with a Predalian dueling with his twin brother, the Predator. Yesh, the original alien from first AVP evolved to a Predator-like Alien. Meaning this Predalian has the Predator's signature Rasta hair! I'm totally fine with sci-fic films, but not one like this! It's a far-cry from movies like Star Wars and War of the Worlds etc. Duh.

On a lighter note, my baby got himself a hair cut, FINALLY! And he looks fresher and younger, and of course cuter now. Couldn't resist taking snap shots of him.


Awww...blogging about him makes me miss him more! But he's in lalaland now, probably snuggled up in this fantastic cooling night climate.

I'm posting all my peeksures of the past month in this entry to save time and space! Heh heh.

YinSing's Xmas Concert by Common Voices

Bestie YinSing invited us to her xmas mini-concert at the Arts Museum held by her choir group, Common Voices! It was a cosy performance held in a chapel-like hall with frost-paned glass, white benches and dim chandelier lightings.

Baby was the photographer! He stubbornly refused to be caught by the camera that day, giving the excuse that he's camera-shy.

We also managed to get our butts to K-box's ladies night to croon out favourite hits all night long!

The pictures are really very back-dated, do pardon me.


Really hope that this year's gonna be a better one for both of us. 2007 was a tough one with much suspensions, trust issues and frustrations. I'm really glad we managed to tide all that out though and thank you, dear, for tolerating me thus far. I know I have'nt been in the best of my moods lately and getting quite impatient. One does get more pessimistic and short-fused as one ages (hitting 21 this May!). Reading at all other blogs make me feel lonely all of a sudden. I have'nt been a good friend these days (or the past year?) and missing alot of things out. If given the chance, I would love to revive the good old times with my friends. Realy miss hanging out, chit-chatting, having slumber parties, steamboat dinners, karaoke-ing, beaching, shopping with them and the list goes on. Feeling so emotional and addicted to this song called Apologize by Timbaland.