This is way back-dated, but I so wanna talk about it.
Christmas 2008 started with a novelty. We brought our 7-month old baby to a doggies' gathering at mydogateitcafe/Club4Paws. Poor baby was surrounded by friendly huskies the moment she stepped in and was too intidimated, which resulted in a defensive timid behaviour. Poor girl. We were kinda strained seeing her reacting that way, instead of being the brave happy dog she should be, but we were encouraged when she slowly adjusted and opened up to a few of the other dogs. The outing, although lasted only a couple of hours, was more than enough for me and my dear. We were both dead-tired from the activity and soon gave way to slumber when we reached home.
There wasn't time to take picture even though I brought my camera cause we were fully occupied looking after QQ. Here's one picture I managed to find from another owner's blog (thank you!).

QQ in the background here with 2 beautiful huskies!!
And then, about 1 week before Christmas, the OS met up for our yearly X'mas exchange+ Rach's b'day celebration.

The pretty Birthday girl!!
Last but not least, I finally got my first head-band! Yeayea, I'm so fashionably behind times right! I wore it the Grecian style at first but was attracting too much un-wanted stares so I changed it to the usual hairband way.

So nice! Love it!