In front of my work desk right now (as if I'm not here every single day).
Just had a good chat with a friendly Techinical Officer from next cubicle.
Shared her children's experiences on orthodontic braces.
I am determined, again, to fix my first appointment.
Hearing people talk about their experiences always prompt me, but I lack perserverance to see them through. Not good.
Should put pictures of Alba with her mega-watt smile all around me so I get reminded of what I should be doing daily.
Being human sucks.
Being born with estrogens and ovaries makes it worse.
You can't afford to be lazy and timid if you want to look good. I am both, unfortunately.
But i'm trying my best. To follow my daily regime. This week's flopped cause Im reaching home after midnight almost everyday and could'nt be bothered to go beyond the Kanaebo toner.
Today's the first day of Vichy. So far so good. No miracles yet but I think my T-zone is slightly mattier. Wanna justify the 50bucks spent on a tiny bottle.
Gotta head back to work. 300 files waiting for me and I'm not even halfway through them. Gonna be loaded with more work after July when the rest leave. I predict myself clocking OT everyday. Goodbye people.