Went for a hair trim and O3 treatment today at a home salon, recommended by forum members. Don't wanna turn up for work with frizzy hair on the first day. The salon owner, Ivy, was friendly, customer-orientated and most important of all, not pushy. Her place is air-conditioned, clean, tidy, and well-equipped with soft radio music at the background.
O3 treatment is at a fixed price of $30 for all hair lengths, which makes it super worthwhile for my waist-length hair. Did a little trimming of my dried out permed hair ends and they look a little choppy now cause I refuse to layer them.
As described by the forum members, Ivy's hair massage was marvelous. The hair wash was the best I ever had. My hair scalp is sensitive and gets irritated easily, so any slightly more pressure applied on it will cause pain. But the entire wash was virtually painless, with zero discomfort, and was so comfortable. Love the shampoo Ivy uses as well as it feels refreshingly minty.
After the hair wash, Ivy started applying 2 products on my hair - a minty cream on my scalp and another one for moisturizing purposes on the rest of my hair. She then wrapped my hair in this silvery foil-like bubble wrap, which is attached to the O3 machine. The whole procedure is exactly like the O3 treatment which I did at Jean Yip's years ago, and everything feels the same. But I paid $80+ for shoulder-length hair then and its only a fraction of the price at Ivy's. I was the only customer and felt really pampered as Ivy paid full attention to my hair woes. From what I observe, Ivy is quite organised and schedules appointments to avoid over-crowding. She even keeps a log-book of customers who went for the O3 treatment as we are entitled to a free treatment after every 6 treatments. No need to sign packages or pay full price beforehand.
Here's the end result. I look so haggard without makeup and skin is in a mess from insufficient rest. My dark eye circles are so bad now, boohoo.
On a side note, I had the most delicious bbq on Monday! It was Korean bbq, $19.90++ per pax. There's plenty of meat options from beef, mutton, chicken, pork to fish. We couldn't get enough of the spicy chicken and fish, mad tasty man. There's also Korean appetizers, stonepot rice and many kinds of soups. Love the Korean Chicken Ginseng soup, but it was limited to 1 bowl per pax. We also ordered Scallops ala-carte, and boy, those were the largest scallops I've ever seen! Very Q and fresh too. Yummy.
Ok, gotta start preparing for sleep. Wish me luck!