Today marks the best Monday I've had in months. Why, you might ask. The weather was great (No rain!). I wasn't late for work (well, earlier than usual!). Skin wasn't SO bad. The contractors were all very nice. My boss was in a good mood, I managed to clear a handful of cases. Lunch cost only $2.50. Repaired the soles of my mary-janes. My boobs felt bigger than usual. (Hooray!) Got many text messages from my love. People smiled at me. (I smiled at them back)
Basically, everything about today was just great!
To round off this awesome day, I feasted on an Oreo McFlurry's. No pictures cause I was slurping it like a glutton as I strolled home. Plus a Coke and Large Fries. Who cares about fat and diet and cholesterol. Not me!!
But only for this special Monday...
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