BACK again! Cause I've so much stuff that I wanna shout about. Just had a date with my dearest boy at ION where we confided in each other our heart-felt thoughts. How cool is that. ;P
And I'm so happpppieee, cause we had a rockin' good time! Haven't had a date like this for I can't remember how long. Miss the StarHub days when I was loaded, alright relatively richer, and we would head to our favourite hang-out places and chill (and shop!) like there's no tomorrow.
Dinner was at all-time favourite restaurant (my treat of course!) but we couldn't finish the food we ordered. Surprisingly. Got him a Zara printed Tee cause he seemed to really like it. Gosh, only 16 year old and his wardrobe is filled with Topman, GAP and Zara apparels. And I was going to thrift stores and BV to get my clothes when I was that age. Life's that unfair hur.
My dear badminton captain. Who is about 10 cm taller than me... boohoo. Can't bully him anymore!
And oh, guess how much I've spent in a short span of 48hours...?! 500 SGD! Gawd, I'm seriously sick. A mental illness called Compulsive-Spending-Whenyouhavemoney syndrome. And I still have a long list of essentials to stock up on, its crazy! Money's never enough!
Tuesday night was awfully sinful!
The gang decided to try the dessert buffet at Orchard's Swensons and it was really.... sickenning. So much so that I made them share the US Fries and Fried Mushrooms with me cause all the sweet food were driving my tastebuds craving for some sodium.
We always get damn professional waiter-photographers! X-D
What's a gathering without a little drama...
Ripped these photos off Beverly's FB! I'm too lazy to upload my own.
I'm so gonna make another trip to town again. For the tiered mini-dress, harem pants, boyfriend blazer, denim jumpsuit and skinfood supplements. Someone stop me please!
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