Saw some familiar faces there, but because things were pretty tensed between me and him, I wasn't in the mood to be friendly. Please don't take offense with my solemn look. I'm friendly! I swear.
Not gonna reveal any spoilers. It was a thrill watching my favourite Disney princess come to 'life', with her 70 feet silky-smooth blonde hair swishing here and there. Never love chameleons as much as Pascal, and Maximus, the cop-horse was just so adorable.
This was the only picture taken IN the cineplex because Cathey don't allow any recording devices including handphones during premieres. You know, to avoid any leakages.
Kids will definitely love it, so parents, bring your children along! It's an animated film, yes, by Walt Disney. But there's no reason for us adults to feel shy about watching it too. Majority of the audience in the cinema were grown-ups!
If only we were watching it 3D, that would be the icing on top of the cake. Perfect.
We got the special Rapunzel popcorn combo which came with Rapunzel cups and minature figurines. I got Rapunzel & Maximus! Reminds me of when I used to collect minature barbie figurines from Mcdonald's Happy Meals in my younger days.
Took this at Mandarin Gallery cause we missed Cineleisure's carpark and went into the hotel one instead. Such noobs we are!
Do catch Rapunzel: A Tangled Tale when it airs on 25th November 2010!
After the show, he brought me to this hawker centre at East Coast, which looks like Newton's for some BBQ. I prefer this one though, it wasn't as crowded or cramped as Newton's.
Fat juicy BBQ wings!
Otah, his favourite.
And BBQ Stingray, our all-time favourite dish!
Him eating with zest.
There was some kind of artwork mounted randomly. Here's me sitting on some hand-made glass stand. Took off outer clothing cause it was a warm night.
What I wore:
A really old F21 knitted throwover and laced camisole. Been eating too much supper and tummy's bulging out! Uh-oh!
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